What a week its been! I have started a new channel specifically for the missing children and found children videos called Have You Seen Me? and I thank those of you who have already subscribed and started sharing the content. I felt this would be a better way to get the videos out there if it was a dedicated channel. I’ve been against this idea for quite some time as Ghost would testify too lol.
You can find the new channel here.
Live Stream
This weeks live stream featured myself of course but also Gentle Chaos joined me to share some very interesting connections with the Montana Militia, the Alfred E. Murray Federal building otherwise known as the Oklahoma City Bombing, Mina Arkansas, and the Clintons. This was a fascinating story indeed and you can watch it here.
Make sure you look out for the alert emails from me or click the notification bell to be notified when we go live.
Recent Uploads
I reported on a story last week that covered a blind guy who was denied entry to a club in Texas and spoke about how there are disabled people out there that will indeed take advantage of the Americans With Disabilities Act in order to gain a monetary bonus. This is a follow up on one of the lawyers that goes around suing businesses that aren’t exactly ADA compliant and how he is facing justiceThere are two videos up that are just funny if I do say so myself and you have to take a listen!
Top 5 reasons To Be Blind
and the counterpart Top 5 Reasons Not To Be Blind
I really enjoyed these two videos and what better way to get to know me a little but if you want to get to know me more, check out this video.
I also put up another Something Else That Makes Me Happy. How can you go wrong with Star Wars?! Moreover, how can you go wrong with Star Wars LEGO’S?! YOU CAN’T!! This guy makes his own Star Wars Imperial Star Destroyers using tens of thousands of LEGO’S. Check it out here.
Check out all the videos here.
and keep a look out for my hashtag #NonSightedAdvocate for great content.
Feeling Generous?
I thank you who have donated and pledged me on Patreon thus far and if you really really enjoy my content enough to want to donate, you can either use the digital tip jar link here
or on Patreon here.
Everything you guys do helps me out to get noticed. Liking, sharing, and commenting on my videos helps promote my channel to other viewers so thank you all for what you do.
Don’t forget to visit my website where you can subscribe to my blog and stay up-to-date with everything that is going on with me and my channel.
You can also find some great links for some wicked rad stuff that I find interesting or helpful on the page called Wicked Rad Stuff.
Thank you all for being a part of my life!